Three Kinds of Incense

Three Kinds of Incense

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The Bible highlights people whose lives rise as incense before God as an offering to Him. It begins with Abel, who offered his best. Abraham, who offered his only son. Mary and her alabaster jar. The widow woman who gave all she had. The apostle Paul whose life was poured out as a drink offering. And one of the greatest examples, Cornelius, of whom the angel said that his prayers and alms (giving) ascended as a memorial before God. The list goes on and on. The essence of the Christian life is revealed in Three Kinds of Incense. In this book Bracken reveals the kinds of offerings that bring God pleasure and also the kind He does not accept. Expect to be challenged in your worship as you see how God looks upon the heart of His worshipers. May you receive God’s attention as you give Him your best.

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